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Students Inspiring Students: Supporting Equal Opportunity for All

*This campaign is now closed, thank you for your generosity.

Grand Canyon University’s SIS Scholarship Program exists to make the dream of pursuing higher education an accessible reality for all. The full tuition scholarship program gives local students the opportunity to revitalize their communities with a hope that oppressive cycles of poverty can be broken down once and for all.

How the Program Works

Creating Opportunity in Our Community

  • Students Inspiring Students awards scholarships to local eligible high school seniors who have sought assistance in the GCU Learning Lounge®.
  • During their time on campus, scholarship recipients work directly with the GCU Learning Lounge assisting local K-12 students in a variety of categories including advanced-level classes, academic performance, goal setting, classroom confidence and more.
  • Scholarship recipients have the opportunity to reinvest in their community through mentorship opportunities provided by the GCU Learning Lounge.
  • Scholarship recipients also gain industry experience through job opportunities located both on and off campus allowing them to prepare for their careers beyond graduation.
  • Upon graduation many scholars choose to stay in the local community, pursuing jobs that allow them to keep investing in the development of the West Valley.
  • How to Donate

    • Use one of the giving levels located at the bottom of this page.
    • Choose a custom donation amount at the bottom of the page.
    • Donate stock using our Stock Donation Form.

Grand Canyon University is a non-profit, 501(c)(3), organization. EIN# 47-2507725. Gifts may be tax deductible, please consult your tax professional.

Students Inspiring Students: By the Numbers

The Students Inspiring Students (SIS) Scholarship Program has had a transformative impact in our community. Supporters of the program have helped provide:

  • Over 135,000 hours of study time given to students in the West Valley
  • Over 4,500 students served
  • Full tuition scholarships to students from 22 local high schools
  • Over 350 full tuition scholarships awarded to local students
  • 50 graduates from the university thus far

Life-Changing Stories

We All Appreciate Your Generosity

See what our scholarship recipients have to say:

“The SIS Scholarship has provided me a quality education that I would not have been able to afford otherwise. I hope to use what I’ve learned to contribute to society through the design and innovation of new technologies.”

Cody Mathes Sophomore, Mechanical Engineering | Glenview College Preparatory High School

“The SIS Scholarship has shown me that there are no boundaries. The obstacles I once thought I had won’t stop me from someday becoming someone. After obtaining my degree from GCU, I plan on going into the court system as a trial translator and eventually obtaining my paralegal license.”

Elva Martinez Junior, Justice Studies with a minor in Spanish | Franklin Police and Fire High School

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!